March 18, 2019 12:00 PM





I’m a model based in NYC, who’s frequently traveling to Europe for modeling and styling jobs. 

My days are so different and combining two professions is very fun. I wanna describe my two different experiences -from model and stylist side -  for the same publication in different countries.

Here in NYC I usually start my day with a workout as I love sports and it’s just healthy. Most likely I’m having my breakfast at work or on the way to work - never can say no to my guilty pleasure - pastries and a cup of matcha latte with oat milk. In NYC I’m known as a model so I can enjoy the glory and careless of model life. Here I am, heading to the studio for Rose&Ivy Journal shoot. My model day in a studio starts with a slow breakfast while I’m doing my hair and make-up. Love when it’s a healthy catering so you feel yourself like on resort. Especially with a combination of white robe and slippers. Alison, founder and art director of Rose&Ivy Journal, always takes care of a healthy catering as she loves healthy food herself. But the most exciting is always a shooting process, of course - I’m waiting for this moment like a cinderella - to try on gorgeous outfits and play my role. Today I’m a sacred witch with a cat :) Cat actually lives in the studio. After 10+ years of modelling, I’m always asking a photosphere on ideas and results they wanna get, so the whole process become very smooth, fun, easy and fast. So 6 looks and MUAH were done in like 4 hours. One of the most important things in modeling - happy to be there and work like it’s your best job.With this attitude everyone is happy and results are super cool. After wrap I just need to change into my cloth and go home. 

And here is a view from another side, when I’m styling a shoot. During the summer, we were lucky to be in Paris with Alison, where we were shooting in a breathtaking mansion. Rose&Ivy Journal is about feminity, flowy dresses and modern elegance. I totally share this state of mind, so our collaborations are always easy and engaging. 

Shooting in Paris is a dream - so many amazing locations, designers and totally different from NYC atmosphere. Even under stress, I don’t feel myself as overwhelmed as in NYC. French knows how to live this life! It’s also amazing to have an opportunity living in between countries and doing different things. Paris, compare to NYC, don’t have a stable summer weather with a constant heat. It’s actually could be really cold for a few days, just like a late spring. It was one of those days when the weather was a bit moody, chilly and very french in my opinion. I imagine Paris like a city from Balzak novels - rainy and cloudy. For some reasons, Paris looks more romantic and attractive in this weather for me. 

We were shooting mostly inside, but planned a few outside shots too. Out model unfortunately wasn’t that happy to collaborate on our romantic ideas. And those shots were cut out from the story. 

As I’ve mentioned before, the whole process is usually pretty smooth. I think in images so I can see the whole story in my head before the shoot. But there are always some circumstances which could make you change some looks. Like models won’t fit in a sample or item doesn’t photograph well or art director/photographer completely unsatisfied with the look. It takes time to understand those things and adjust very fast. 

After the shoot is done, stylist works isn’t finished. You have to pack everything carefully, or your assistants, and deliver to your place. Next day you have to return everything back to showrooms/designers. It is a lot of work from the stylists side - from prep to work on set and returns in the end. You really have to love, be obsessed with what you are doing otherwise you probably have to do something else. It’s like giving a birth to a kid - you forget the whole painful process and just loving your little creature. 





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